Our School
Mount Vernon Community School is a positive learning environment where dedicated staff, students, and families actively engage in and provide meaningful educational experiences that allow for extended learning and language acquisition in English and Spanish.
Students in the program learn half of their school subjects through Spanish and half through English. The program supports the goals of high academic achievement, biliteracy, bilingualism and cultural competence. Learn more about the ACPS Dual Language Program.
The mission of the dual language program is to provide an enriched bilingual, biliterate, and culturally competent educational experience for all students.
The MVCS Dual Language Program will be widely recognized throughout Northern Virginia for our students' high levels of academic achievement, bilingualism, and biliteracy, which are developed through rigorous, standards-based instruction in English and Spanish. Furthermore, the Dual Language Program will foster a culture of respect for diverse students' backgrounds and learning styles.
MVCS Core Instructional Values
At Mount Vernon Community School, we believe:
All students deserve to learn in an environment that celebrates their unique differences, values their contributions to the school community, and encourages them to grow as learners.
All teachers are teachers of both language and content.
Differentiation of instruction enables all students to access a rigorous and demanding curriculum.
Collaboration is at the heart of our success as instructional teams and as a school community.
Using various forms of assessment will produce the data we need to inform our instructional decisions.
School Hours
8:00 a.m.–2:35 p.m.
Mount Vernon School Data
Mount Vernon is fully accredited and meets Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP). To learn more, review the Virginia School Report Card on the Virginia Department of Education Web site or review recent test scores.
Student Body Demographics
Enrollment: 859
American Indian or Alaska Native: 0%
Asian: 1%
Black or African American: 3%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander: 0%
White: 36%
Hispanic: 56%
Multi-racial: 4%
Special Programs
Eligible for free or reduced price meals: 46.7%
Students requiring English Learners (EL) services: 46%
Students receiving special education services: 7%
School Faculty
- Number of Licensed Staff: 71
- With postgraduate degrees: 80%
Mount Vernon in the News
Frequently Asked Questions
- What time does school start and end?
- What if my child is late for school?
- How do I report an absence?
- What after-school programs are available?
- What happens during inclement weather or emergencies?
- Will my child get lunch?
- Will my child be riding the school bus?
- How can I best contact my child’s teacher?
- How does my child receive Talented and Gifted (TAG) services?
- Does Mount Vernon have Summer school?
- Does Mount Vernon have K Prep week?
- What is the Mount Vernon PTA?
- How can I be more involved?
- I live outside of the MVCS attendance zone (within ACPS), how can I apply for the Dual Language Program?